Pan-Asia International School made its presence felt in the recently concluded World Scholar’s Cup Bangkok Round at Denla British School last March 30-31. PAIS hauled 80 medals, 35 Golds and 45 Silvers, with all 5 teams advancing to the Global Round later this year. This year’s Bangkok Round saw the biggest turnout yet with more 1000 students coming from more than 20 schools, including teams from the Philippines and Vietnam.
The Junior team of Ghazala Naji, Yumeng Chen and Hafsat Yusuf finished as the 10th Best Debate Team overall. Ghazala also earned PAIS’ top Debater in Junior, her second in a row and the top 7 Junior debater overall. PAIS’ lone senior team composed of Phattaranun Haiyioumart, Laurene Pinto and Muna Sentiyanont finished as the 17th Best Senior Team overall. They also finished 8th place overall in the Scholar’s Bowl Challenge. Phattaranun also earned the top debater in senior for Pan-Asia.
The Junior team of Swati Sharma, Abdelkarim Benmoussa and Xiong Yidanni went undefeated in 3 rounds and finished 22nd best overall to qualify. The team of Hana Uchiyama Khantasit, Freija Lucila Medrano Loreto and Deema Poompatch, and the Team of Zaara KHan, Ananda Vibbonerawud and Teerapat Watwilai completed the list of PAIS qualifiers.
Here’s what our scholars have to say about their experience.
“The World Scholar’s Cup was really an enjoyable experience. It was quite stressful and difficult at some points but I learned a lot of new things from this experience.” – Ananda ‘Nada’ Viboanterawud (G.7)
“For me, World Scholar’s Cup is more than just a competition for nerds. I had fun. It was worth everything and then some.” Seeing my name being displayed in front made me feel so accomplished. – Hafsat Yusuf (Grade 8)
The World Scholar’s Cup was a great mix of stress and enjoyment. Being with my team and experiencing different activities still felt so surreal. In the end, the feeling of accomplishment is irreplaceable. – Ghazala ‘Lana’ Naji (Grade 8)
The World Scholar’s Cup is so worth it. It was the most exciting experience as a student so far. The environment is inspiring and exciting. – Phattaranun ‘Sofia’ Hayioumart (Grade 9)
“The World Scholar’s Cup was quite fun and I got to experience many new things and make many new friends. This was my first ever World Scholar’s Cup Overall and we qualified for the Global Round so now we get to go and experience many more things which I am looking forward to!” – Zaara Khan (Grade 7)
Facilitators Ryan and Marno acted as judges during the debate competitions.