/tmp/krwff.jpg PAIS Spellers Among Top 15 at KPIS Spelling Bee 2017 - Pan-Asia International School

PAIS Spellers Among Top 15 at KPIS Spelling Bee 2017

PAIS Spellers Among Top 15 at KPIS Spelling Bee 2017

PAIS spellers who won during the in-house competition participated in the Annual KPIS Inter-School Spelling Bee 2017 which was held at KPIS auditorium on November 8,9, and 10, 2017. During the three-day competition, Sho Watanabe, Yanisa Soymat, and M. Aqeel Aadam Mohammed Yaseen managed to compete until knockout round. They were among the Top 15 students who competed with over 93 participants from over 32 international schools in Thailand.