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English Language and Literature Week 2018

English Language and Literature Week 2018

Pan Asia secondary school held “English Language and Literature” week from March 6th to 8th 2018. Students from Grades 6 to 11 had the opportunity to showcase knowledge, skills, and creative abilities they have developed in Middle Years Program and Diploma Program English classes.

There were two skills-based contests. All secondary school students, divided into middle and high school sections, participated in an essay writing contest.  The middle school essay prompt was “you get to take one book, one food item, and one famous person (living or dead) to a deserted island. You’re not coming back. What and who would you take? Why?”

The high school students wrote responses to: “Imagine that Pan Asia wants to introduce a totally new subject to the curriculum. Which subject would you like to see introduced, and why? Also, which subject should be removed, to allow time for the new subject?”

The students were judged on the strength of their ideas and the quality of their writing. Receiving a trophy as the middle school champ was Aliyah Audri Cabatay.  The high school winner with the best essay was Roetainata Charoonkolrak.

We also held a secondary school-wide spelling bee. Each English class produced their top two spellers to compete in the auditorium for a trophy.  Whittling down, round by round, ultimately produced Cecilia Valentina Pettersson as the secondary school’s top speller.

Another highlight of the week was the performance of the play “Testing, Testing” by our Grade 7-9 English Enhancement drama class. The play is about a group of students taking a pivotal exam under increasingly difficult circumstances — a comedic play to which all students could relate.

Finally, on the last afternoon of the event, all students gathered in the auditorium for a special show, “Shakespeare Here and Now.” Grade 9A students performed scenes from “Romeo and Juliet” and recited Shakespearean sonnets.  Grade 11 students dressed up as various characters from Shakespeare’s plays with the audience guessing their identity.  The show also featured fun (and educational) games for all to play and win prizes.

The English Language and Literature week culminated with an appreciated speech by a special guest from the British Embassy here in Bangkok and the awarding of trophies and certificates to all who had demonstrated extraordinary ability throughout the week.