
The Pan Asia International School paid respect to Queen Sirikit in the 9th reign and all the mothers in Thailand during the Mother’s Day celebration last August 9, 2019, at the school auditorium. With Palawee Annanub as the emcee, she called out the school’s Chairman Dr. Husni Hamad to deliver the opening speech in front […]

PAIS Upgrades Facilities

This summer we had numerous changes and maintenance done in our school. First, we repainted our school’s building /Muscat Building, Assembly Areas, Walking areas in front of the school and speed breakers to be safer for students, parents and PAIS staff.   I am especially pleased with the additional expansion of the sidewalk in front of […]

PAIS Quenches Thirst in the Community

The Pan Asia International School recently donated a water coolers/dispensers to the Prawet Police district last August 2019. This is the first time that the school donated two water coolers /dispensers. As part of the active collaboration with a harmonious relationship with the Prawet District and the Prawet Police station, PAIS is reaching out as […]

Primary Academic Achievers

Pan Asia recognized the top performers for the school year 2018-2019 during the Academic Achievers Awarding Ceremony on August 20, 2019  at the school’s auditorium. Primary students who performed well and exceeded expectations received an award in front of their proud parents and classmates. Students who garnered an average GPA of 3.75 – 4.00 for […]

Kindergarten Family Arts Day 2019

Many Kindergarten families came with their children and enjoyed full of the fun event- Family Arts Day on Friday morning September 6, 2019. They had a chance to do several activities that promote fine and gross motor skills prepared by KG Department. Kids learn in many different ways, and younger children may not be ready […]