Protected: Online Learning Approach – Pre-School

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Protected: E-Learning Nursery

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Lingnan University at PAIS!

The representatives of Lingnan University from Hong Kong paid a visit to Pan Asia on Friday, November 22nd. During their meeting with our college counselor, they had the chance to present their university to our school. This meeting was quite informative. Some of the topics discussed during their meeting were the programs they offer in […]

The University of British Columbia Visits Pan-Asia!

On Monday, November 25th, a representative of the University of British Columbia paid a visit to Pan Asia. During their meeting, our college counselor and Mr. Jeff had the opportunity of discussing the programs and the offers that UBC has for our students. They also had the opportunity of discussing some of the ways that […]


Congratulations to our students who got the best scores in the MAP TEST in fall 2019/20. It’s a third-year at PAIS that we are implementing this platform. Our students are doing a great job and among many international schools around the world, they have earned tremendous success!!!